Two No’s and FINALLY a Yes!

Damn, I was thrusted into the "friend zone" and trapped there for months, patiently waiting. As the summer drew to an end, I segwayed into the "More than Friends" chapter. I carefully deliberated over how to ask her to be my girlfriend. I thought I nailed it...twice. Unfortunately, I faced rejection on both occasions. But, I didn't give up.

It was late June of 2016. Chloe and I were starting work at Camp Tevya in Brookline, NH. She caught my eye from across the Pavillion. "Go introduce yourself," my conscience echoed. A short brief introduction left me hooked. The problem; she had a boyfriend.

Finally, in November of 2016, she gave in, and Chloe and I became official. Two tough No's and a hard-fought lifelong Yes.